50+ Most Hilarious Jokes and Riddles

Jokes and riddle has thin line of difference from each other. Jokes are meant while the riddles are thrown as a challenge to be answered. We have gathered the top 100+ most hilarious and most challenging jokes and riddles in a list for you to find the best jokes and riddles easily. You can share this collection in your social media accounts for your friends, to share the laughter that we can get from this hilarious collection of jokes and riddles. The entries in this collection are being ranked by votes, do for the jokes and riddles that has the most votes from the user will be displayed on top of the list and the items that has lesser votes will stay on the bottom of the list.

  1. 1

    Why Is The Music Teacher So Good At Baseball

  2. 2

    What Has Roots As Nobody Sees

  3. 3

    Three Men Were In A Boat

  4. 4

    Imagine You Are In A Dark Room

  5. 5

    If Teresa’s Daughter Is My Daughter’s Mother

  6. 6

    What Do Prisoners Use To Call Each Other

  7. 7

    A Person Is 15 Years Old

  8. 8

    What Goes Up And Down

  9. 9

    What Cheese Isn’t Yours

  10. 10

    What Can Travel Around The World

  11. 11

    What Did The Ghost Teacher Say

  12. 12

    So Far Away

  13. 13

    I Grow In Trees

  14. 14

    It Cannot Be Seen

  15. 15

    Tom, Jack And Gary Are Friends

  16. 16

    Why Should You Never Mention The Number 288

  17. 17

    Common Sense

  18. 18

    Why Are Teddy Bears Never Hungry

  19. 19

    What Happens When Frogs Park

  20. 20

    What’s Mom And Dad’s Favorite

  21. 21

    What Do Skeletons Say

  22. 22

    I Have A Tongue

  23. 23

    You Go To The Corner

  24. 24

    There Are 500 Bricks On A Plane

  25. 25

    Can You Make Seven Number

  26. 26

    A Hundred Feet In The Air

  27. 27

    I Have Pages

  28. 28

    I Can Protect You

  29. 29

    You Cannot Taste Me

  30. 30

    A Man Pushes His Car

  31. 31

    I Scream

  32. 32

    What Do You Call

  33. 33

    Which Flower Talks

  34. 34

    What Was I When I Wasn’t

  35. 35

    What Streets Do Ghosts Haunt

  36. 36

    Pull Down Its Genes

  37. 37

    A Boy Fell Off A 100 Foot Ladder

  38. 38

    A Tanned Gent

  39. 39

    I Didn’t Do My Homework

  40. 40

    What Does A Nosey Pepper Do

  41. 41

    A Garbage Truck

  42. 42

    A Farmer Has 17 Sheep

  43. 43

    Laughing Kids Are Happy Kids

  44. 44

    No Wonder She Didn’t Invite Him In

  45. 45

    In A Marathon Race

  46. 46

    A Couple Of Old Guys

  47. 47

    Two Chinese Men Break Into A Distillery

  48. 48

    A Cockroach’s Last Words

  49. 49

    Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road

  50. 50

    Invade My Privacy

  51. 51

    Hot Wheels

  52. 52

    Two Girls Ate Dinner Together


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